Davor Murgic was born on 30.04.1990. First knowledge about comics and caricature he got in the center for culture "Novi Zagreb". First one-man show he had when he was twelve, in places of library "Dugave", where he also had two more one-man shows of a library project "revealing new talents". In 2003 he participated in a comic competition: funny comics show, where he gets first prize for a short comic on theme "Crime and punishment". He also got a prize on a open entry competition of magazine "Modra lasta" in 2004. His important participation was on 2004 on a international cartoon exibition in "Zagreb" in the organization on the theme "Justice". Themes that atracts his atention are portrait cartoons of famous people which makes him fun.
Three one-man shows in library "Dugave" 2002,2003,2004