Rođen 13.8.1978. u Dubrovniku OBRAZOVANJE 2013 SVEUČILIŠTE U SPLITU, MEDICINSKI FAKULTET Doktorat znanosti 2004-2005 LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS, UJEDINJENO KRALJEVSTVO MSc International Health Policy Stipendija British Foreign Office – Chevening scholarship Predmeti: Zdravstvena ekonomika, Farmakoekonomika i regulacija tržišta lijekova, Analiza troškova i učinkovitosti lijekova i medicinskih proizvoda, Vrednovanje zdravlja (ekonomska teorija vezana uz vrednovanje učinka lijekova i medicinskih tehnologija), Upravljanje zdravstvenim sustavima i Statistika 1996-2002 SVEUČILIŠTE U ZAGREBU, MEDICINSKI FAKULTET Doktor medicine Stipendija Sveučilišta (2001-2002) 1992-1996 KLASIČNA GIMNAZIJA U ZAGREBU RADNO ISKUSTVO 2012 - MINISTARSTVO ZDRAVLJA / POMOĆNIK MINISTRA 2009 - 2012 HRVATSKI ZAVOD ZA ZDRAVSTVENO OSIGURANJE / RUKOVODITELJ SLUŽBE ZA LIJEKOVE I MEDICINSKE PROIZVODE 2005-2008 SVEUČILIŠTE U ZAGREBU, MEDICINSKI FAKULTET, ŠKOLA NARODNOG ZDRAVLJA „ANDRIJA ŠTAMPAR“ / ZNANSTVENI NOVAK – ASISTENT NA KATEDRI ZA ORGANIZACIJU ZDRAVSTVENE ZAŠTITE 2003-2004 SVEUČILIŠTE U ZAGREBU, MEDICINSKI FAKULTET, ŠKOLA NARODNOG ZDRAVLJA „ANDRIJA ŠTAMPAR“ / KOORDINATOR KOLABORATIVNOG CENTRA SVJETSKE ZDRAVSTVENE ORGANIZACIJE „CENTAR ZA IZGRADNJU KAPACITETA ZA PRAĆENJE EPIDEMIJE HIV/AIDS-A U CENTRALNOJ I ISTOČNOJ ERUOPI I CENTRALNOJ AZIJI“ 2002-2003 KLINIČKA BOLNICA MERKUR, ZAGREB / DR. MEDICINE – STAŽIST Strani jezici: engleski (napredno znanje) i francuski (pasivno) ODABRANE PUBLIKACIJE: Current Contents indeksirani časopisi: • Vogler S, Habl C, Bogut M, Voncina L. Comparing pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement policies in Croatia to the European Union Member States. Croatian Medical Journal 2011 Apr 15;52(2):183-97. • Voncina L, Kehler J, Evetovits T, Bagat M. Health Insurance in Croatia - Dynamics and Politics of Balancing Revenues and Expenditures. Eur J Health Econ. 2010 Apr;11(2):227-33. • Voncina L, Dzakula A and Mastilica M; Health Care Funding Reforms in Croatia: a Case of mistaken Priorities. Health Policy, 2007 Jan;80(1):144-57. • Voncina L, Pristas I, Mastilica M, Polasek O, Sosic Z, Stevanovic R. Use of preventive health care services among the unemployed in Croatia. Croatian Medical Journal 2007 Oct;48(5):667-74. • Ivana Bozicevic, Luka Voncina, Lucija Zigrovic, Monique Munz, Jeffrey Victor Lazarus. Know your epidemic: HIV epidemics among men who have sex with men in 27 countries of eastern Europe. Sex Transm Infect. 2009 Sep;85(5):336-42. • Skara S, Kovacic L, Civljak M, Voncina L. Translation of evidence-based tobacco use prevention programming in Croatia. Eval Health Prof. 2008 Sep;31(3):297-305. • Polasek O, Kolcic I, Voncina L, Strnad M, Vuletic S, Kern J. Breast, colon, and prostate screening in the adult population of Croatia: does rural origin matter? Rural Remote Health. 2007 Jul-Sep;7(3):749 • Dzakula A, Bosanac SB, Brborovic O, Rukavina TV, Voncina L. Association of social roles, health, and health behavior of elderly women in Croatia. Croatian Medical Journal 2007 Oct;48(5):684-90. • Aleksandar Dzakula, Ozren Polasek, Zvonko Sosic, Luka Voncina, Gordana Pavlekovic, Ognjen Brborovic; The Importance of Health Care Issues in the 2005 Presidential Elections in Croatia, Croatian Medical Journal 2006 Jun;47(3):499-502. Knjige i poglavlja: • Luka Voncina, Christina Golna, Nadia Jemiai, Akiko Maeda, Shiyan Chao and Aleksandar Dzakula, edited by Nadia Jemiai, Elias Mossialos and Sherry Merkur; Health Systems in Transition - Croatia, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Vol 8, No7 2006. • Dzakula A, Oreskovic S, Brborovic O and Voncina L; Decentralization and Healthcare Reform in Croatia 1980-2002 in Shakarishvili E. (editor) Decentralization in Healthcare – Analyses and Experiences in Central and Eastern Europe in the 1990s. Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative, Open Society Institute – Budapest 2005 (book chapter) • Health Policy in Europe: Contemporary dilemmas and challenges. Edited by Alexis Benos, Hans Ulrich Deppe and John Lister. International Association of Health Policy Europe. Printed in Britain by Lightning Source UK Ltd in 2007. (book chapter) • Health Promotion and Disease Prevention – a handbook for teachers, health professionals and decision makers. Eds. Doncho Donev, Gordana Pavlekovic and Lijana Zaltel Kragelj. Hans Jacobs Publishing Company, Germany 2007. (book chapter) Ostale publikacije: • Voncina L, Strizrep T; Croatia: 2009/2010 pharmaceutical pricing and reimbursement reform, Eurohealth, Volume 16, Number 4, 2011. • Voncina L, Dzakula A, Strizrep T; Introducing DRGs to Croatia, Eurohealth, Volume 13, Number 1, 2007. • Final Report for the European Commission, Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities DG: Social Protection and Social Inclusion in Croatia, Institute of Economics, Zagreb. Authors: Dubravka Jurlina-Alibegovic, Miroslav Mastilica, Danijel Nestic, Paul Stubbs with Zdenko Babic and Luka Voncina. Zagreb, May 2006. • International Labour Office Geneva, Working Paper No. 245: Health worker migration flows in Europe: Overview and case studies in selected CEE countries (Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia and Croatia) Editor: Christiane Wiskow, (Croatia case study authors: Aleksandar Dzakula, Luka Voncina et al.) • Luka Voncina, Book review of Dr. K. Maity's - „An Aid to Medical Interviews and Professional development”; British Medical Journal – Career focus 2005, • Voncina L, Pristas I and Sosic Z. Preventive health care utilization among the unemployed; evidence from Croatia. European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 16, Supplement 1, 2006
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